Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • angelfire76
    06-13 06:26 AM
    Who cares if dilipcr is from BITS or some Swami PavBhaji university in Arnakulam. All are same in America. For your Greencard application you just need a minimum degree that can be acceptable by USCIS. For jobs and career, your Indian degree is nothing. It only boosts your ego and you can tell your Indian friends. If you tell your American friends they will just laugh at your ignorance. If you are so attached to your BITS then how about you go and help them be #1? It is your caliber and performance that matters in jobs. IIT and IIMs can be successful in USA or misfits same as people from third rate colleges in India. I have seen people from APTech and NIIT do better than graduates of US of top Indian colleges. So stop having a false pride. This false pride is only good for getting you married via an arranged marriage to an Indian girl in India. Nothing more than that.

    That statement was ridculously funny :D BTW, Mr Dilip, a classmate of mine from graduate school who did his Ph.d in Cryptography, couple of internships in RSA, was ranked #5 in the Math Olympiad in 1993 had to return to India because most of the jobs he applied for required security clearance, which means USC. He's now a successful head of the computer science dept. in Mumbai and the feedback from his students about his knowledge is amazing.
    Most people who came during the 1995-2001 were HTML and Cobol junkies who got lucky when their GCs were issued. Take your arguments some place else. :rolleyes:

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  • jayleno
    07-22 12:07 PM
    Dont you think you took it too far? I dont think you make much sense. There it is, since you asked for my opinion.
    Smile - I can prove this is a relevant topic

    Some of these jokers (Quikstar..Amway) have filed GC in EB2 and Eb3 which is illegal, someday states Like Arizona will declare that anyone looking like us should be checked for Amway membership and deported

    Profiling is an issue and because of some jokers we all may have to go thru scrutiny.

    We should ask USCIS to check all GC applicants name in Amway database and if found USCIS needs to send them to Mexico (because illegal)..

    We should write to senators... your opinion on this? ( this way Indiancommunity can be clean and fight for legal hardworking people in immigration policy)

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  • ss1026
    03-29 01:38 PM
    To those ignorants or idiots who voted for Rahul Gandhi or Sonia Gandhi:

    This is a book shows facts about Nehru Dynasty in India:

    US just elected a President who father and step father are Muslims. And that is great and the world appreciates that because it shows that this country can judge a person by his skills or character and not get stuck in bigoted views about muslims or other minorities. And we love this country for that

    But when it comes to India, don't you think of voting for Rahul gandhi because he might have some blood of either a parsi or ('god forbid') muslim in him. That certainly should dis qualify him, shouldn't it. Nepotism is certainly bad but this takes the cake. Dont vote for him because he might be 10% parsi/muslim (I am sure you have not forgotten about the italian heritage but you can raise that later). But certainly criminals and perpetrators of Genocide would be desirable PM choices. Rock on

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  • ivar
    06-15 05:55 PM
    Ivar and group,

    I think you guys are missing the plot here. Let me reiterate loud and clear. I am NOT against immigrants getting GC. I will not, even in my wildest dreams, claim that the recession is due to the H1Bs and L1s. That is complete baloney spread around by the anti immigrant lobby. My point is let the deserving the GCs soon and not go thru the mindless wait I went thru.

    Having said that I am for the following :

    1. If the outsourcing companies would pay on an avg at 80K per head for the "well qualified" people, I am even ok with their dumping their dumping the L1s here. Why is it that you guys are ok with the L1s being dumped at 40K-60K salaries ? Shuldn't they get paid high too ? This is what I am arguing for. If the outsourcing cos dont want to pay this rate, then keep them in the country of origin. No need to depress wages here. Is this a wrong thing to ask ?

    2. Grassley's bill may force some companies to move entirely to India or China. Isnt that good for India and China ? Why are the pro immigrants against this ? Some times I get the feeling as to who actually is pro and who is anti immigrant !!!! In adition, it may eliminate the many backlogs and help the deserving people here.

    3. People who have made a conscious decision to immigrate here have done so considering the standard of living as one of the primary factors in their decisions. In order to enjoy this standard of living, people have to constantly upgrade skillsets to remain competitive in an industry or move to another industry where mass interest is relatively low. Why should these people's lives, after all the travails, be impacted by the low wage scum outsourcing companies. Please remember these companies, like an other company on earth, operate only on self interest. No point in supporting such companies which in adition to the self interest principle also flout rules with abandon.

    4. In my opinion, self interest has alwyas resulted in the greater good of society. Do not confuse self interest with greed. Greed is what caused this financial mess. If people/companies operated with concern for greater societal good, they would have spent billions in concocting an AIDS vaccine for the children in Africa than to spend the same billions in concocting VIAGRA for the rich old men. Since employment based immigration debate involves companies' interests too, we have to balance societal good with some impact for the companies. My suggestion here is that let the outsourcers take the hit. They have always benefitted by flouting the rules. If your concern is way too high for your L1 brothers then you would find it prudent to bring in the law that clearly states "Pay high wages for the L1s or dont bring them in here". I dont understand what is wrong here ? Is it that I didnt convey my message across right or is it that people blindly support immigration ?

    As i said earlier i agree with you on few points but not all. I have an idea how L1s have been misused to bring in cheap labor but we can't blame them, its the system what allows them to do so. I am not blindly supporting L1s here but its simple demand supply ratio. When i started my engineering in india everyone use to opt for Mechanical engineering which was in great demand those days, its a cycle, Mechanical went down and later IT surged so believe me we are also in this cycle.. some day IT demand will also fade and there will be very limited opportunities available and there will be huge supply of IT engineers (ofcourse highly skilled and talented). The end result is lower wages. People starting their careers NOW should focus in future and what will be the next sector for great job opportunities rather than follow the crowd. We are almost half way through our career, some still have the energy and enthusiasm to upgrade or totally opt for a new career, while some stick to the same old thing.. its a choice we make and the result we get based on our choices.

    Standard of living ofcourse matters and is one of the important factor for coming to US but this has gone down recently not due to IT workers but due to US economy which shrinked at such great pace and trillions of debt US is carrying with it.. it had to happen as i said earlier there are lot of factors contributed for bringing down the standard of living.

    Lastly as you said the best to get their GC first.. agreed !! now how will you determine who are the best of the best.. points system?? or create more Employment based visa categories like EB1.1 for rocket scientist, EB 1.2 for PHd with 10 years and so on.. and do you think immigration system will get into this minute details. There are already three categories EB1 for best of the best followed by EB2 and EB3 and so on..(thats how US immigration does it). that doesn't mean EB3 are less talented people than EB2.. it is the circumstances you face while filing your GC. The problem is who will use the scale to check who deserves GC first and how they will judge who needs GC first based on what factors, protectionist attitude is not the solution and never going to help.. I hope i make my point.


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  • ramus
    07-03 09:43 PM
    No problem.. Fund drive is important ...

    sorry :D

    this one time pls allow us to post contribution thread here..

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  • Googler
    02-12 01:38 PM
    I have the same question. State dept moves the date just so that the visa numbers are used for that category. If a category is retrogressed, then it can't really be "undersubscribed".

    This was listed at the bottom of the page in the March VB in state dept's website:

    The cut-off date movement for March in several Employment categories has been greater than those experienced in recent months. Advancement of the cut-off dates at this time should prevent a situation later in the fiscal year where there are large amounts of numbers available but not enough time to use them. If the expected increase in CIS number use materializes, future cut-off date movements could slow or stop.

    Mods should merge two identical threads. See my post in the other thread:


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  • kittu1991
    07-16 06:02 PM
    EB2 is current now..."EB2 will be current within a year" gives an impression that EB2 which is not current will get current in one year...
    He is talking about Eb2 India.

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  • kaisersose
    02-12 06:15 PM
    To fix the problem for everybody need both (1) increase in visa numbers and (2) remove/increase country quota, IMHO.

    Only India and China & one or two more countries will support the removal of country limit. The rest of the world will actually oppopse this move as it will have a negative impact on their processing times greatly.

    There was a discussion on this on sometime ago.


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  • aranya
    12-14 04:13 PM
    I know what I am about to say will trigger a lot of reaction and some resentment, but it has to be said on behalf of those who are not Indian. I think the per country limit is to ensure that people of all nationalities and races have an equal opportunity to obtain a green card and to ensure that no one nationality, group, or even sector (i.e. IT) monopolizes the so few visas that are available. In fact, in the visa lottery, countries become excluded when the number of immigrants from them reach a certain point, so we are lucky they do not do that in the Employment-based system!

    Dakota Newfie

    I think that by wanting to remove the per country limit so more Indians can avail of the green card quota is both asking for "special treatment" and a slap in the face for all the non-Indian IV members. The more I read the threads on this site, the more I feel that this organization is geared just to one ethnic group. I am sure that Indians probably make up the majority of members, but the founders of IV (I hope) did not want this organization to become one-sided! Please be considerate of ALL members and try to come up with suggestions that would benefit ALL members!!!:mad:

    I understand how the current system prevents people of one nationality obtaining all the visas but I am not sure how it prevents any one group or sector monopolizing. Care to clarify?

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  • StuckInTheMuck
    02-14 09:10 AM
    First it was fighting between Indian/Chinese and ROW, now there is fighting within ROW. Come on Guys, today is valentine's day. Let there be Love and Peace. Let's unite...

    ahh, let us take this one step further, and start a "send candy hearts to USCIS" campaign :)


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  • mbawa2574
    05-28 11:10 PM
    When some of us raised the issue of project managers from Indian IT companies applying under EB1 and using up those visas which would trickle over to EB2 and EB3, we were scoffed at. Some even questioned as to why these people cannot apply under "Multi-national executive" category, as they are "Multi-national" managers.
    These guys misrepresent the number of people reporting to them (same managers in the same portfolio uses the same number of people to show in the application as reporting to them. This is true "reuse"), also "reuse" the portfolio value (how can 3-4 managers from the same client account be responsible for x million dollar business) and crooked company attorneys make up a stellar resume and case to file for them. The attorney pay comes from the employee's pocket.
    Otherwise how would you explain the sudden rise in EB1 filings and a quota which never used to be over in previous years suddenly has cut-off dates.
    If we keep quiet, these same clowns will use up all the visas and smirk at us for filing in the "lower" categories. What a backdoor to a green card! :mad:

    This fraud has to stop. There is nothing called as MNC manager. These are basically sweat shop slave supervisors. None of these clowns make a 6 figure salary and can match the skills of people in EB2 & EB3 category.

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  • pcs
    07-03 04:02 PM
    Which congressman did you call?

    Ralph Regula in Ohio


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  • Imigrait
    06-16 03:25 PM
    To be honest, you are the kind of people, with the right attitude and qualifications, who deserve the GC and should not be subject to these mindless wait times. I am truly sorry for you. Hope the best for you

    Who defines what "right" qualifications are? Will IIT Kanpur make the cut and not IIT Guwahati? In the US, especially Sillicon Valley the best people from all over the world come for work. People from the best colleges in their countries come to work in addition to people from "normal" colleges from their countries. Where does India's top colleges stand compared to the best colleges around the world? IITs according to some rankings are not even in the top 200 colleges. Does that mean we exclude them altogether? Where does that leave BITS Pilani? Stop harping on that qualifications theme. I know people from both Bombay University and IIT kanpur Eb2 2003 waiting still for their GCs in the same company and same department. Workwise both are similarly capable.

    I would suggest you to think hard before you do your MBA. An MBA does not teach you that 1+1=2 all the time unlike an engineering field.

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  • TeddyKoochu
    07-22 12:49 PM
    I had green dots till yesterday, but after posting fun stuff on this thread people gave me red dots..... why is that? This tread has zero value, it is like Santa singh jokes.

    Looks like people are so serious in their life that they cannot understand difference between fun and real stuff...

    This thread was for fun so I posted funny things....pls don't give me red for this

    Thanks Rohan, Iam glad that we clarified the mis-understanding and that I have not lost a good friend due to some confusion. I have not given any red dots for any of your posts rest assured.


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  • GCmuddu_H1BVaddu
    09-05 11:43 AM
    Shame on YOU, not me, you have just created a new ID just to talk about Andhra CM who is dead. Shame on YOU for hiding your real face while talking caste based crap, no wonder India is still like that. Again stop the bull crap of caste based fighting, useless fellow. You don't want people to see your real face and you are talking crap with a different ID. You are a cheat with double standards.

    Shame on you...donga ki donga thodu.( cooperation between thiefs)

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  • eastindia
    07-30 03:32 PM
    After reading so many cold calling failures, I am yet to see a "success story" of this methodology.

    If nobody got "converted" after being approached by a total stranger in a public place, why does BWW/Quixstar/Amway continue to do it.

    Perhaps we should ask Q/Teddy to collect this data, analyze it and prove to them the futility of it all. Maybe then they will stop and everybody can shop/work/study in peace. :D

    Lot of Amway guys are hiding among us.

    There are lot of Amway guys on this thread making fun of Amway because they fear being ridiculed. But in their real lives they are actually doing Amway business and catching other desis in Walmarts.

    This explains why I got so many reds and bad comments after starting this thread.


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  • ZeroComplexity
    12-13 07:01 PM
    One possible argument someone can make is , if there isn't a per country limit on H1Bs, why should there be one on GCs?

    We can have a lawsuit saying, cap both visa types or cap none.

    If ever this law suit come before a judge, we can potentially win by creating a list of all the lost oppurtunities, lost time and money etc, basically building a human story around the restriction.

    Other than that, I don't think per country qouta violates the constitution.

    Anyways, I am enjoying this thread, very logical arguments in each reply.

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  • poorslumdog
    09-04 12:51 PM
    You moron coming from the slum region or any other place in Bihar.
    You don't know about keralites.
    100% Literacy.
    Living standard is same like Europe. (no other state have the facilities such as health care and standard of living like Kerala).
    It is God's own country.
    Visit and see the details.
    Even the guys working in Gulf countries knows better than you and making much more than you. Go and see their houses.(multi storied), You are still in an appartment.
    Do you ????

    Mr.Nair tell me is it Gulf or Gelf. Do you still wear lunky in office or smoke peedi...enda peedi malabar pedi, enda CM EK nayar...he he :D

    If its GOD own country...what are you doing there. Are you renting it mr.Nair

    by the way how is omana kutty.

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  • gc_on_demand
    01-13 07:26 PM
    USCIS - Questions & Answers: USCIS Issues Guidance Memorandum on Establishing the "Employee-Employer Relationship" in H-1B Petitions ( D&vgnextchannel=68439c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD)

    06-17 01:54 PM
    Dude, i agree with you... All about dumping/low cost labor/yours BITS/MSFT talent...

    Get my point right... you are getting old and you are scared... you are feeling insecure... you DUMPED 100k :) for YOUR MBA program.... dont shit bricks... dont worry.... when we who need to feel insecure are doing ok.... I think solely considering your status.... you should go have a ball... oh i forgot your MSFT/BITS stuff...

    Karthik S

    I am simply stumped at the level of comprehension of the folks right here. Let me summarize my views as points and hopefully I will get through to you guys

    1. My mention of BITS was not to prove that I was the best and the brightest. It was to prove that my education was NOT subsidized by the govt of India directly or indirectly. Remember passing out of any university doesnt confer the title of the best and the brightest. Unseenguy - If you have kicked the ass of IITians, bitsians etc then consider yourselves genuine. Why this unnecessary trip down "Not confident about myself lane" ?

    2. My mention of MSFT was again not to prove that I am part of the best and rightest. It was to prove that I came here not with the value proposition of low costs but with the value proposition of hardwork and some talent. I did not compromise on my pay or did replace any native employee. Oh BTW I left MSFT in 2000

    3. My mention of the 3 layoffs and my journey was to inform you guys that whatever is happening now is similar to whatever happened in 2001. I wanted to calm down the nerves of the genuine people. Without reading and comprehending the posts, I get responses like that I was an illegal. Remember I was taken back in for 2 days, 485/AP/EAD applied and my jobless days were with my EAD in hand.

    4. One of the reasons, I am against outsourcing companies is that they dump low wage workers. If you guys are aware, every country, including India and US, has anti dumping laws to protect local industries. I am not against offshoring or outsourcing but I am against dumping. Some posters have questioned how I would be affected by all this if I were the among the best and the brightest ? Valid question to a good extent. If you realize that as you age your speed and dexterity at which one adopts newer skills start waning. How long do you think that upgrading skills in a single industry would be possible when you are going to be constantly competing with walmart style options ?

    For now I have chosen to enroll myself in an MBA program and I am hoping that my skills wouldn't be diluted. Think about going to school at age 35 with the responsibility of family and kid. This is my last ditch effort in upgrading my skills because it involves a substantial ownpayment. I am not sure about you guys but a 100K investment for school now is huge for me. The big question is, I am able to pull up my last bit of energy to upgrade now but will it be possible 5 years now if these outsourcing companies starting dumping low cost MBAs ? This is what I meant by my quality of life being impacted. If you guys think that you wouldnt go through the same scenario, then you need some serious retrospection.

    One last thing I would like to point out the inherent contradiction that the current prospective immigrants are facing today. GC is a process that is there to fill in the lack of skills in the US. However with unemployment running close to 10%, the question arises as to whether to train local populace for these skills. There are just 2 exits out of this contradiction

    1. Bring in low cost labor to fulfill this shortage and avoid local training costs
    2. Expand on a new idea. Green seems to be the buzzword today.

    In my opinion, option 1 is lose lose situation for all including the actual foreign employee who provides the services at a low cost. It is the outsourcing company for sure and probably the hiring company that may benefit. The society as a whole loses. Option 2 is an organic option but is laen with the dangers of delays in take off and boom and bust cycles. This is exactly the reason why I suggested that we cut these outsourcing cs from dumping bodies here. I hope I have clarified my opinions lucidly and hopefully look forward to a mature discussion as opposed to name calling, affronts etc.

    03-30 02:02 PM
    So yo unever know this guys when they will change and what. I need food when I am hungry and need a place to place to sleep when I am tired. I dont care whether Rama has temple or not.

    Congress Ruled us more years than BJP since we got independence.

    Still you are hungry , looking for food and looking for a place to sleep.

    Change We Need. Letz try BJP or Lalu ( :=) this time.

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