Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • apt29
    01-13 04:59 PM
    Will this rule effect on EAD and AC21 also?

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  • eastindia
    01-25 02:45 PM
    Making Sure H-1Bs Actually Work for Their "Employers" | Center for Immigration Studies (

    Making Sure H-1Bs Actually Work for Their "Employers"
    By John Miano, January 21, 2010

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  • mbawa2574
    09-28 10:21 AM
    As completely unrelated these two issues are (from a law maker's perspective) on a normal day, these are possibly those times when each of these issues can help the other.

    IV has been discussing about the possibility of one for two solution (partial). The idea is to request congress to exempt EB applicants & their dependents from numerical limits of the Immigrant visas, if they buy a home. It is my belief that market sentiment is the most important thing in any financial market(s) and the housing prospects look pretty bleak. There are lot of members in the EB community that have NOT bought their own home, even though they could afford one because of the uncertainty with EB GC. IV's idea is to bridge the financial committees and judiciary committees in the House/Senate and see if corresponding Chairman/Ranking members are willing to listen. Things are moving so fast with the 700bn USD bail out plan and we will NOT have time to do things the normal way, through our counsel. We have to present this idea to the corresponding staff members of key members of congress (see list below) and see if this gets traction now or going forward.

    Please do not bring EB-5 discussion/comparison here. The proposed partial solution is different from EB-5 in that EB-5 investors invest money and we are investing in our future with a genuine intention of making USA our permanent home.

    If you already have a home, thats fine. Any such legislation will reduce the wait times in EB categories and we need housing markets to rebound for a safer economy before the ripple effects are felt every where.

    Who to write to

    Staff members(Chief of Staff, Legislative LA, Financial LA, Legislative Director) of Chairman/Ranking members of House/Senate Judiciary committee & Finance/Banking committee, Staff members of your representative and your senators. Please find staff members of the committees in the spreadsheet (

    You can find your representative & senator staff members on this website (

    Please use valid email addresses and NOT fictitious/junk mail. It undermines the whole purpose and our emails will be flagged by mail scanners / spam checkers as some thing similar to famous Nigeria bank account scams.

    Email Subject: Proposal to alleviate current US Housing/economic crisis



    This proposal alleviates the current US economic crisis, by motivating the US high skilled, legal immigrant workers to purchase homes. The size of this immigrant population is approximately 800,000 individuals. This effort if successful would inject up to US$ 20Billion approximately into the economy (approximately US$ 100 Billion in houses sold across the country) , while at the same time directing this money into the root cause of the economic crisis � the illiquidity of the national housing market. The above calculation is done
    assuming a median US home price of $212,400 and buyers making a down-payment of 20% of the cost of the home. Roughly estimating 400,000 buyers.


    Undoubtedly, we are all devastated by the shake up on Wall Street in the past 15 days. Experts agree that the underpinning problem is the housing crisis caused by sub-prime mortgage loans. Many of us, who cannot afford our monthly mortgage payments are losing homes and putting them up for sale and foreclosure, which further adds to the crisis. At the same time, most of the Employment-based (EB) immigrant community would like to purchase homes and make the United States a permanent home for their families. These EB immigrants however, are living in a state of limbo, mostly in rental apartments because of the delays and uncertainties involved with the EB immigration procedure. The wait times in EB categories are exacerbated by the delays in processing by USCIS, even though eligible applicants have filed for Permanent Residency also known as Adjustment of Status. Such processing delays have resulted in the wastage of 218,000 immigrant visa numbers (Page 52 of USCIS Ombudsman Annual report 2007). The current Department of State visa bulletin shows 7+ years of wait times in certain categories. We strongly believe that legislation can be worked out in such a way that the housing markets all over the country can move towards recovery, while at the same time motivating the Green Card applicants to catalyze this recovery.

    It should be noted that this proposal by no means brings more immigrant workers into the US. The workers in the EB, skilled category are already present in the US, doing skilled jobs that no US worker is available to do. They are part of the long queue of backlogged cases that USICIS will eventually process; however, this wait can take years and in that case could not be used as a tool to minimize the course of the current economic crisis.


    Congress can pass legislation that exempts EB green card applicants and their dependents from the numerical limits of visa numbers, provided applicant(s) have bought a home making 20% down payment on the sale price of the home, for a time period deemed necessary by the congress.

    How can Employment based Immigrants help alleviate the housing problem?

    (1) Employment based immigrants are highly skilled and are employed in occupations such as Software, IT, Health care, Energy, Finance, Education and Research & Development across the United States.

    (2) Average income of these individuals/households is around 65,000/130,000 USD.

    (3) All these Employment based immigrants have gone through Department of Labor�s recruiting process, which certifies that there is no willing, able and qualified US Citizen to do the job.

    (4) Most of the Employment based immigrants have excellent credit history and good source of income to make the payments needed for their home mortgage.

    (5) By requiring a 20% down payment from this group of buyers, Congress can directly channel this money to where it is need most � at the banks.

    (6) Employment based green card applicants have been living in the United States for 6-8 years. Many of them have US graduate degrees in their fields of expertise. These applicants are well versed with the American culture and will not change the cultural landscape.

    (7) Financial burden on US government and treasury will be reduced drastically if the glut of houses in the market decreases.

    As a member of the community that wants to make the US its permanent home, I want to contribute to a solution that helps USA and US during these tough times. I sincerely believe that the 30 year commitment on mortgages by Employment based immigrants in the housing market, backed by solid, risk free mortgages can turn the down ward spiral in the housing market into a upward spiral.


    This would be a great idea and anywaz US will have to do something out of box to resolve this crisis. They have already lost the status of economic superpower and this country is going towards breakdown in case they don't welcome immigrants who bring in/generate capital for this country. Protectionists really need to be shut off at this point of time.
    Now Questions is the best way to accomplish this ? In 2007, I wrote multiple emails to regarding this but never got a response. So if we can get this thought into their minds, this can resolve our issue and can give a good amount if relief to housing industry.

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  • alisa
    02-13 08:05 AM
    This is great!!!

    All my Indian friends who were fighting with me over the (1 or 2) unused EB-2 visas from ROW, well, you can have them my friends. I ain't getting any of them anyway.


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  • lazycis
    12-13 04:35 PM
    Since this can potentially be a great win for us, why don't we take the advice of a top constitutional attorney. I am sure the attorney will be able to tell us if we have a case. As for the cost, I think an hours time of any attorney will be peanuts compared to what we can afford.

    What say LogicLife?


    It will be a waste of money. The US does not have to allow any immigration if it chooses so. Do you realize that getting a GC is not a right, but a privelege? It's a matter of grace and no court has jurisdiction to review if government says "no".

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  • ss_col
    08-12 04:35 PM
    I filed 2 140's:

    1. 140 and 485 concurrently at the TSC on Aug 6th 2007 based on the EB2, India, May 06 labor . This 140 is not approved.

    2. Filed second 140 based on Mar 05 labor on Dec 14th 2007 at TSC- EB2, India. Both are with the same company. This got approved on Aug 8th, 08.

    How do I link the approved 140 to my 485? Do I need to fill in any form or do I need to talk to TSC or send them letter with approved 140 and 485 copy.

    Would appreciate inputs.


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  • nixstor
    02-14 01:29 PM
    Watch and see how fast the Michigan government will start issuing DL to H1B holders and to those who has pending I-485.

    Just a FYI, MI law only does not allow DL's for new applicants.

    Existing F1's/H1B's and those who already filed for 485's can keep renewing it.

    That said, I understand that you are using it as an analogy to say that the lawsuit against USCIS is successful.

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  • STAmisha
    08-28 06:53 AM
    I went through . they are good

    BTW, Jobs in Canada requires local licenses etc. So you better checkout.

    But once you weather through those stomrs, Canada is one of the best places in terms of oppurtunities and quality of life ( except cold weather):)


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  • Ramba
    02-15 04:51 PM
    INA has lot of flaws with regard to ethics or fairness. It is countless. The ROW vs India/China fight is st..d. The bottom line is US has its own rights/rule to what kind of people they want to bring in.

    If you fight for fairness in INA, then it is joke. For example, if you are a spouse of us citizen you will be given GC immediatly, (no numarical limit). However, if you a researcher from India, develops medicine for AIDS and applied NIW EB2 petition, there is no visa availble for forseeable future. You can say it is unfair. But government dont care. One cannot argue why they have E2 visa for specialy for Australians? Why not for Newzlanders? Why they have special quota in H1B for singaporans and Chilians?. If any one asks fairness question it is end less. For example in guest worker program in last year, they eliminated country quota (to legalise mexican unskilled-undocumented workers).

    Fair Bussiness that needs skilled foreign workes dont care about country of birth of workers. But it is sad that INA, prevent that fairness. But government has its own agenda. The better way to eliminate this problem is by constuctive lobbying to eliminate country quota or atleast increse from 7% to reasonable number.

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  • sanju
    09-23 12:23 PM
    Has anybody really tried to get a mortgage recently? I have been denied by 8 lenders so far simply because I don't have a green card. Most lenders have tightened their underwriting guidelines. They will give mortgages only to U.S.Citizens or somebody who is a permanent resident aka having a green card. There are very very few lenders who will give mortgages to somebody on a visa and the rates may not be very favorable.

    Regardless of your credit history/income/financial strength/savings there is almost no credit available in the market. Whether you want to buy a house or you want credit for a small business, there is no credit b'coz the lenders do not want to lend. That's the crisis. And if there is no credit, willing and able buyers, just like yourself will not be able to buy a house.

    Administration wants $700 billion to buy bad mortgages (5% of the entire outstanding mortgages), which will inject confidence in the lending agencies, whereby easing the credit market, allowing everyone to get a loan and do whatever they have to do. But it doesn't end their, to recover from the economic slum, housing market must come back. And to bring the housing market, there needs to be more buyers in the market. As Alan Greenspan said few months back, speed-up GC, it will help bring buyers to the market, helping to bring back the housing.

    After $700 Billion bail-out, the credit market will start to stabilize and it will be easier to get mortgage.


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  • tonyHK12
    01-13 02:53 PM
    Do you think some one would go to all this length of providing helpful posts and do all the drege work all to just convince you. Please do not think so high about yourselves. As i said before to scare you all i need to do is write one post and that is not my strength that is you guys weakness whcih is on display here.
    You've got to be high or sick or both - go see a doctor. Right now you're just throwing trash around.
    great so you're trying to incite arguments between members and calling people names. you just proved my point. well don't waste time making empty threats or inciting people on forums.
    You can take your trash somewhere else.
    If you had any ideas you should have talked to your IV state rep in the last 4 years, it doesn't matter what you post.

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  • n_2006
    06-28 10:16 AM
    I think the 40,000 number is the wastage predicted by the ombudsman at the prior rate of approval that was prevalent earlier in the year. This probably implies that CIS would have used about 100,000 numbers at it's prior rate or about 25000 per quarter. This in turn would imply that CIS would have roughly 40000 (predicted wastage) + 25000 (last quarter's numbers that might have been used had CIS continued at it's earlier pace) = approx 65000 available starting June 1. I highly doubt if this could be used in just a month or two.

    But all said and done, whatever the real number of visas that's available I feel it's in everybody's best interest to just apply at the earliest they possibly could.

    Can somebody please provide some information interms of country quota? This 40000 can be used for any country? Or if India and China used their quota and still visa's left, next visa bulletin may show retrogession for India and China and current for other countries?


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  • bestia
    02-14 01:43 PM

    I am not fighting with you believe it or not - just that some things said on this forum are just downright nasty. FYI though.. the Congo WAS colonized and terrorized by the Europeans. Hear of the Belgian Congo?? I don't know about Sierra Leone though.

    "Nasty" - might be just person's opinion. We don't have right to GC, but we have right to nasty opinions. I used to live in Maryland and was so tired of being careful when using words starting with "black*", "Afro*", "slave*", etc. Everything was always tended to be interpreted as implication, that someone is inferior to someone, etc. etc. The only solution was just to keep my mouth shut. And this is in country which is so proud of "free speech".

    OK, I stand corrected, maybe not "colonized", but "settled" (still it's a wrong term - "immigrated"? Natives didn't have any immigration laws, though, so Europeans didn't brake any law). Europeans came here to build cities and live here. Congo was colonized for trading (robbing if you wish) purposes, slave trade, etc. That's the key difference.

    But we are far from ROW/India+China debate :) I'm from ROW and it's my 8th year in the US, and all these years I'm "enjoying" not having any quota.

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  • greyhair
    01-13 09:21 PM
    actaccord: I also want to see civilized discussion. But that is not possible with people like PlainSpeak/GCPerm. I know this person. He has always tried to create Eb2/Eb3 divide. The problem is not with language of some of the posts you referred as "uncivilized", the problem is that for every post there are hundreds of people silently reading each posts. Each post influences those silent readers. If unanswered snakes like GCPerm can cause a lot of damage.

    In an open anonymous forum you need to develop a thick skin. Person of every strip and belief can post anything. If you cannot handle this, it is better for you to resign from accessing any or all websites.For a period of time, I felt the same way as you did but it does not work that way. Stop this nonsense of political correctness when snakes like GCPerm spit venom to divide everyone.

    A forum is a combination of all sorts of ideas and expression. You may like some and you may not like some. If you or your friends find it so difficult to stand this expression, then please sit quietly in your home because you cannot join hands with anyone in this real and rough world. How long are we going to " try to gain confidence" of more members? How long? I do not want to gain confidence of anyone anymore. If I was to make a decision, I would say that I don't need those members who cannot stand a little bit of rough reality. I am not going to do anything to "gain confidence" of others. If you want to work then good for you. If you don't want to work on the issue affecting your family, then so be it. You are doing a favor to no one but yourself when you speak with your Congressman. So Good luck and Good bye. But don't preach civility to everyone if you cannot first respond to PlainSpeak. I hate this Eb2/Eb3 fight.

    at least one person could respond in more civilized and matured way. These kind of response will give good impression about a forum.

    Guys please keep your comments in more civilized way to keep/gain good public image of the forum.

    I do read most of the threads in this forum (whenever I feel free) i feel some of members who are donors/senior members feel they can get to fight (in abusive way) with any one on any thread no matter whether it spoils the image of forum or their response adds no value to the thread. These kind of attitude can be expected from new members as they may have wrong intentions (or to just vent their frustrations) to join in a forum. But people who are very senior and donors responding in uncivilized manner is not good for them as well as the forum.

    I don't see anything wrong PlainSpeak's suggestion but I can't comment on if her suggestion is workable or not. But we can just explain what is right or wrong instead of getting into fight mode.

    I would like to see some kind of administration control (removing the response, warning the members) on those threads with abusive/uncivilized response. I know it is tedious job but once we have senior/donors under civilized conversation controlling new members will be of easier as seniors/donors can report those unwanted conversations.

    It would be great place to share ideas (good, bad, right, wrong) if those uncivilized response is reduced. The lesser the uncivilized response more the people willing to join hands.

    I wanted to join hands but those uncivilized comments keeping me away from participating. I do have friends who joined after me referring felt the same, some even stopped visiting this forum after seeing uncivilized fightings.

    There are great people like amitjoey who convey the message in more civilized way (as far as I have seen) and help others (its not easy to post 1100+ posts....). I am new to this country and have very less experience and knowledge to share. But I hope one day I can guide/help some people like amitjoey.

    Reason for me to share my thought is amitjoey, otherwise I would have just gone through the thread and felt bad about this forum for uncivilized comments. I am not into any group yet (Eb2/3) as my comp is not going to sponsor gc as per new policy, so I don't belong to any group (or we can say group who's gc never filed). When I read PlainSpeak's comment I thought she was right and after reading amitjoey's comment I learned another view for this issue. After reading those two comments I understand the issue and why IV took different direction or direction different from PlainSpeak's. But when I continued reading this thread I felt why some educated people with good intentions have bad thoughts and respond to others in uncivilized way. In the whole thread only two comments make's sense to me rest doesn't belong/fit to this forum.

    Lets get more new members and be civilized to gain confident which will gain more strength to the forum.


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  • watzgc
    07-28 08:45 PM
    Dear Sir,

    This is my situation

    1. Applied for H1B Extension on Jul-10-2007
    2. Got RFE on Mar-2008 and replied to RFE on Apr-2008
    RFE: 1. client contract 2. last 2 yrs my tax return
    3. After Reply to RFE no news from USCIS
    4. Applied for Premium processing on Jul-14-2008
    5. I485 Pending and having EAD/AP for my family and Jul-09-2008 applied for EAD Renewal

    My Questions:
    1. Since my H1B expired on Jul-14 What is my status? Can I work till I get my H1B approval?.

    2. How can I expedite the H1B Process ? (already upgraded to PP)
    3. If I get approval , do I need to go back to home country to get stamping?

    Thanks for your time and help.


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  • viva
    01-28 01:57 PM
    I think my previous question asking the poster of the question to contribute was deleted by the moderator.

    It is a valid request to ask the poster of the question to contribute. If the person is coming on this site hoping to get a benefit from the members, then they must be willing to help out the organization too. I believe in the saying ," You scratch my back, I scratch yours."

    There is no force involved here; it is just persuasion in the right direction. We will never reach our contribution goals if all people continue to get answers without contributing to the organization in return.

    Core team- We should display a pop-ad for any new member signing up to IV asking them if they want to contribute. We need to get aggressive. This is no time to be passive.


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  • samay
    07-14 06:08 AM
    [QUOTE=AllVNeedGcPc;259781]I am a software engineer (15-xxx series):

    - my LC got approved with 17-xxx code (Mechanical Engineer) (BECs fault, our forms OK), in 2006
    - applied for LC amendment and returned original LC to BEC, right then
    - No word from BEC, waited for a year, assumed 140 lost and then applied 140 with 17-xxx code and a copy of returned LC, in April 2007
    - Applied EAD and AP, on July 2nd 2007
    - meanwhile (after 140 application) LC got amended with new 15-xxx code, in August 2007 (Just before BECs shutdown)
    - 140 that was applied in April 2007 is still pending
    - Atty says that we will send the amended LC once we get an RFE

    Should we wait for an RFE or should we inform USCIS about the amended code?

    In my opinion you should have filed a copy of amended LC with the USCIS when you received it.

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  • eeezzz
    07-30 11:26 AM
    this makes no sense (with all due respect to Mr Gotcher). He basically claims that PD has been moved to allow CP cases to be processed faster to avoid visa number wastage.. However he also says that there is a huge backlog of AOS cases. Looking at how many CP cases are being called for interview in mumbai and delhi (low hundreds) I dont see how CP alone can help avoid a big wastage of visas. If USCIS is still 20k short, then its the massive pile of AOS cases they should be using, just like they did last year.
    Several things to consider.
    1. Is it really 20k left for this year.
    2. Are there more EB2 RoW applicants filed I-485 for the last few months.
    3. You have number from India CP, do you have number from China CP.

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  • crazyghoda
    10-16 11:38 AM
    A lot of EB2 folks are getting excited about getting the spillover from EB1 and EB2 ROW but has anyone contemplated that lots of EB3 ROWs will now start at looking at porting their dates to EB2 just as most people from EB3 India are?

    Boy, I sure wish I was a lawyer! If this system remains as screwed up for another 20 years, I am surely sending my kid to law school :D

    02-19 01:12 AM
    c) A lot of EB-based immigrants have been to American colleges and have graduate degrees. Again, see (b) above. Not the brightest idea to have this American-educated and trained high-skilled manpower forced to go back to India and China, the two main US competitors.
    Atleast, not if you are America.


    Actually, EB1 is current for India,China etc. Aren't they the brightest ?

    01-14 01:40 PM
    You have a valid point about the DV visa bil.. But you forgot one thing, Any immigration bill altering INA will also have recapture attached to it..

    One more point it takes 15K to give a paper ad to say that IV supports this bill.. Do you want to run a campaign for this?? I will convince IV Core if you come even close to that $ number...

    If and when this bill goes for voting on the floor, I think your valid point about giving these immigrant visas to the oldest applicants first until current backlog is eliminated can be considered as a viable amendment/feedback to lawmakers..

    But I wouldn't hold my breath for that day...

    Good Things about IV
    1. IV Core does not conduct its business in the forum. They learnt this lesson a long time ago.
    2. All their work is done in the donor forum and behind the scenes by volunteers
    3. If they feel that any idea is worth pursuing they invite that person (with the idea) behind the scenes and pursue that idea
    4. All the work is done by IV members themselves because they are helping themselves
    5. IV members are investing time and money to do work which impacts a large number of immigrants
    6. That is a professional way to do stuff and i admire the way work is done at IV

    Concerns of IV
    1. IV always states about the lack of will of people to do something for themselves
    2. IV always states that people just comment on forum but do not step forward to do stuff
    3. IV always says that people do not donate enough and without donation a grassroot organization will not survive

    What IV is doing wrong
    1. IV talks about a holistic approach whereby the benefit to EB community will trickle down and once EB2 will become current EB3 will get benefit of spillover
    2. IV is assuming EB2 will become current but with the number of indians coming to USA and number of indian students who will graduate from MS courses in USA over the next 5 years EB2I will always be backlogged
    3. Plus we are not even talking about EB2 ROW and EB3ROW demand which could go up
    4. Supporting the DV 55k bill to US educated GC applicants on the whole looks like a great plan. Sure here are 55k and here are about 150 k GC applicants. 150 - 50 IS 100 K. So if the bill passes we reduce the backlog by 50 k. Now i will am one of the person who will be getting a GC because i am US educated but my opposition to this bill is on principle
    5. What IV has to realise is that it is not only IV members specifically but it is a whole lot of non IV members who are EB3 who have been a bigger person in this whole immigration retorgression advocacy scheme of things till now.

    How let me explain. We have seen EB3 persons from 2002 who are still waiting for GC and who are not getting spill over visas because EB2 is using up all the spill over visas. So do you see any EB3 now complaining about the rule change supported by IV and made by USCIS whereby EB2 gets spill over visas. NO we do not see any EB3 complaining. That is because EB3 as a whole understands that that rule in the past being interpeted in a wrong way and the current way is the correct interpetation. Sure the old method gave EB3 some extra spill over visa benefit but the new interpetation caused EB3 to dry up compleletly. Now that in itself is against the very nature of self preservation by definition, But EB3 went along for the greater good

    What IV can do right
    1. Now we have this 55K DV Bill. This is something different from the spillover (which is law and cannot be changed). This is one time oppurtunity to alieviate the sufferings of EB group as a whole. So can IV which is supposed to be talking for the whole EB community do the right thing here and ensure (with advocacy they are so good at) that IV's stand is that 55K visa are given to all GC applicant from retrogressed countries based on oldest priority date first irrespective of EB2 and EB3.

    2. The concequence of such a move is that long retrogressed EB applicants will get relief (Which is one of the point IV talks about in their charter)
    3. Sure Many US educated applicants from EB2 and EB3 will oppose this move because lets face it, this move impacts their getting GC sooner. And if they behave like that they are in the same category as EB2 guys on this forum who do not entertain any idea which will impact their getting GC soon.

    What wil happen if IV does the above
    1. The DV 55K bill will NEVER pass in congress. This along with the other bills we have seen will bite the dust because no one in the current economic scenario would like to see more immigrants (US educated or not)

    2. The DV 55K bill will fail but IV would have achieved what it has failed to do till now. Get the support of EB3 community which they claim to represent.

    How how does this work. This is a suggestion for discussion NOT a diktat to IV core to implement. If IV core does not allow discussion on this (and moderate this because frankly some of your existing advocacy group members and volunteers do not know what a discussion is and come out both fists swinging) then that is IV core perogative. they have that right since this is their system and they worked hard for it, and they believe what they say is right.

    One question i do have for all the members who have argued with me here. Have you seen all the discussion i have participated under and my other posts. Please do that before yelling that i was a member since 2006 and freeloader and all that. You need to do this because if i am you enemy (Scounderal, Liad weed, Anti Immgrant, Future USA etc) then don't you think to know your enemy is better.

    On a funny flip side ...............................
    How will this be treated by the current members
    Ohh He is a liar, cheat, sounderrl, absurer, voilent person, free loader, smooch, weed, Anti Immgrant, future USA and other unspeakable things

    By the way guys i am a She not a He


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