Thursday, July 7, 2011

tiger woods house jupiter

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  • Imigrait
    06-13 12:22 AM
    look man wether anyone likes it or not fact is that jobs are going to two countries with a billion dollar plus population ... they are hardworking and they are verrrrrrrryyyyy hungry.... so even if you stop immigrants alltogether from coming to this country .. it does not matter. The jobs will simply go there (to China and India). After all the companies exist to serve their shareholders and not their employees and the simplest way to maximize profit is to cut cost. Simple!!! the outsourcing offshoring train has just started and there is no stopping it.

    You may argue to some extent that the complexity of your job will provide your protection but the fact is management is always scared off complex functions that require expensive resources (i.e human beings) .. management will always want to break down your job to lowest common denominator so that it can be shipped or done at lower cost. For that they will be willing to go all the way - including changing technology , buying into marketing BS or spending millions of dollars.

    Also if the american market dies is that going to be a very big deal ? not anymore .. the domestic market of both India and China is getting bigger everyday .. the fire has been lit and the horse has been left out of the stable .. its at a point of no return.

    So brace for the change because the times are a changing...

    can't believe lahiribaba you're still waiting with those PDs

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  • richana
    07-30 01:44 AM
    Met this dude once in a grocery store, he and his hot wife gave me the amway speil. I said listen buddy give me a time to visit your house and number. I called him and we played phone tag, one day I called and his wife picked up, i ASKED IF i could come, she was hesitant and said he was out of state for a conference but I convinced her that it's ok. When I arrived I brought a bottle of wine and then she was all over me in 5 mins. Sigh what a wonderful time....

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  • gimmeacard
    07-28 03:45 PM
    I am not with Amway or Quixtar but I think the folks with Amway/Quixtar are under represented on this thread and it's not fair :-)

    Just to add another dimention to this thread I will play the devil's advocate :D

    Here I go ...

    You guys are all wasting your free time bitching on this thread where as we are spending all our free time growing our business. We will retire early as we would make $xxxx/month for nothing when we turn 40 and dont need to work anymore where as all you guys bitching about Amway / Quixtar will still be working hard at your jobs till 60.

    What's your response ?


    this is somethign heard only from @mway subscribers, sure u r not one :-)

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  • srinithati
    07-03 01:15 PM
    I am in the 6th year of H1B. 6 year term expires in March 5, 2009.

    My Company filed LC in June 2008.

    Assuming my LC is cleared by this year end, I-140 Filed around Jan 2009.

    Can i get 7th H1B Year extension, if my company files H1B extension by Feb 2009.

    In which cases 7th Year extension will be rejected.


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  • santa123
    07-21 07:43 PM
    Best case and worst case

    You have always brought some statistics onto this forum and many of us have felt that your numbers have some logic. I want to know what your confidence level is on those stats, may be you feel on the inside that this is theory and God only knows wht will happen. Since the processes that USCIS & DOL follow is not very clear to anyone, I am curious.

    Just as you know:
    Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. ~Aaron Levenstein

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  • bestofall
    09-25 11:31 PM
    """"""""""""""Holding following assumptions we will see more forward movement in coming months and whole of 2010 fiscal year.

    Slow improvement in economy (fewer new applications from EB2-ROW and EB1)
    PERM applications stay stuck (as they are very few approvals in last 12 months)
    CIS is force to allocate visa every quarter (leading to large spill-over)
    Fewer EB3 to EB2 porting



    Thanks for good analysis. I wonder about CIS allocating visa every quarter spill over.
    Can you please share any resource about quarterly spill- over ?


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  • go_guy123
    03-19 08:57 AM
    Just fill out the forms and submit them. It is very easy. It took 6 months for me to get the PR in the Socialist Canada. Then it took 1 month for me I should get out of there quickly. Very low pace, not many high level employment, high taxes. I visited a friend there last weekend. In Vancouver, it rains like hell and it is depressing to me. I said, darn, why am I living here? If I am not going to have significant career advancement, I should go back home than staying here enjoying this rain. In Toronto it is cold like hell. Go there and spend a couple of weeks and see if you like it. People are usually friendly there. In the end, it depends on how bad is back home when compared to Canada. Good luck.

    Try this

    If you need help post there ....other small questions I can help u (free)

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  • thepaew
    03-27 11:53 AM
    Smart Money is on Kumari Mayawati

    Boss, remove Atalji. He is on bed for last 8 months. So no chance for him.
    Sonia Gandhi is out of question as people will not accept her.
    Rahul is a baccha ( KID ) in front of all those stalwarts ( old and experience wolves ).

    Contest should be only between MMS and Advani.

    Though i would have loved to see Modi on PM HOT seat.


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  • villamonte6100
    12-14 01:03 PM
    --Although I agree with what you said in earlier post (I had to debate with someone who thinks otherwise), I find this post in poor taste.

    Please guild your temper while expressing yourself and refrain from bursting out. Looks bad to the outsiders if they visit these forums.

    Ofcourse, humor is always welcome.

    Don't be upset dude. I'm just trying to suggest so that we could think out of the box. I don't think I have a bad taste.

    Honestly, we tend to be discuss to much the law here. We are not experts of law and I think we should start calling our lawyers and talk to them about this idea. Let's see what our lawyers will say and then we can share those comments from lawyers.

    Please don't be upset.

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  • conchshell
    07-26 06:31 PM
    One important point that we seem to be missing is that there are about 50,000 Indian STUDENTS (like yours truly) who come to the US each year. Most of them are grad students and invariably all of them apply for EB based GC......think about it : 50,000 students each year and even if you assume half apply for GC - that makes it 100,000 PRIMARY GC applicantions from India alone over a four year period - staggering number........

    However, these students are not completely exempted from the H1B quota for each year. Whatever, if PERM filing in year 2008 has witnessed 46% drop since 2007 ... it tells us a lot.


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  • Winner
    09-23 01:36 PM
    Has anybody really tried to get a mortgage recently? I have been denied by 8 lenders so far simply because I don't have a green card. Most lenders have tightened their underwriting guidelines. They will give mortgages only to U.S.Citizens or somebody who is a permanent resident aka having a green card. There are very very few lenders who will give mortgages to somebody on a visa and the rates may not be very favorable.
    I used

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  • Roger Binny
    08-15 08:35 AM
    Try detaining any of their top Hollywood Heroes at an Indian airport for 2 hours and see how USA media and people will react to it.

    You people have no respect for your own motherland and always think everything American is good than your own country. Learn to stand up for your motherland. Just because you want your greencard does not mean you forget your roots. Anti-Immigrants (read racists) of this country will still call you slumdogs even if you are a citizen of this country. But your own country people will never forget you and will accept you as their own even if you have lived here for 50 years.

    Learn to love your motherland.

    Excellent reply.


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  • illusions
    05-12 11:44 AM
    It looks like your half family does not know what is happening in the camps. Rather these thrown out media reporters know about that in detail.

    Oh..I forgot to mention all the people who are talking in this report are LTTE and supporters of LTTE.

    No, they know what's going on, everybody know it's not a picnic there in the North, I didn't say that they were un aware what was going on in the North, all i said they are fine where they are, please read what i said. It seems you are only looking at it from 1 angle.

    I'm not disputing what channel 4 reported, it's overwhelming for the govt to handle millions of IDP's and terrorists mixed up in 1 big bowl of soup. In any war situation there will always be cases of misconduct as it has happened in Iraq, Kashmir, Afghanistan etc.

    Oh and thanks for being sarcastic, it proves a lot.,,-8349680,00.html?gusrc=gpd

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  • ak_2006
    01-25 12:25 PM
    H-1B visa-holders being deported from port of landing! : Business (

    It is also refers to Aman Kapoor and Immigration Voice. The article mentions the deported officer name too.


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  • smuggymba
    01-14 08:58 AM
    There was a huge discussion during the presedential campaign on why Obama is a great choice...but looks like he is just another socialist democrat. John Mccain would have been a better choice, but we can't control this so best of luck to all. There are plenty of jobs in other countries including india. not the end of world.

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  • newbie2020
    07-03 09:41 PM
    My LC applied in Feb 2008
    LC approved Apr 2008
    I-140 Applied May 2008

    My 6th yr H1B expires Dec 2008
    H1B Maxout Jan 2008

    I am short by around 20 days Should i recapture the days by going out of country for 20 days and apply H1B 1yr extension, Will i Qualify for 3 yrs in this case...?

    or should i just Apply for I-140 PP in Oct 2008 and 3 yr H1B Extension without worrying about recapturing 20 days.


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  • ebizash
    07-27 01:15 PM
    What has EB5 to do with amway?
    Did I mention I'm making millions? Obviously on the way, but atleast I have something to fall back to if I loose my job. Do you?

    Really... Millions... Have you checked the disclaimer in your lit pack under the 6-4-3 plan. A typical IBO makes $115 a month... Amway / BWW was forced to put this statement because of a lawsuit brought by Amway Diamonds and Double Diamonds... You can google...

    I know you will now state that "you don't want to be an average... an average corporate employee makes $30K.. etc.. etc.." (Straight from Brad Duncan's CD) I have used it myself hundreds of times on the prospects...

    "..veracity of this statement"
    Sure pick up the phone and dial IRS, or call your accountant. Or your lawyer if you want to play it safe.
    Other people doesn't do or will never do anything, other then wearing pantyhose and tip toeing through the tulips.

    By the way did you call IRS to check.. or you are just believing what Kanti / Kumar / Raj or any other Diamond told you.. Oh another thing that they regularly mention in their trainings "IRS and USCIS don't share data so IRS won't know if you are on H1 or not"... USCIS can ask for your Tax returns before granting Green Card...

    May be you have not received 1099 from Amway yet but the 1099 income on 1040 goes under a separate head "Self Employment"...

    I know you will respond with some nasty stuff but I urge you to take the emotional hat off and think rationally (which I know is very hard as I had faced the same things) about the direction that Amway is taking... especially in Indian community... Do you see many Indian faces these days in the Amway's Inspire magazine or new Rubys, Emeralds, or Diamonds...

    This is a good way to make some residual income (I still get monthly check 4 years after stopping to build it) but millions??? Not many EDCs and Diamonds make that money if you exclude the money from CDs, Books, CommuniKate etc..

    Good luck!

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  • Update on Tiger Woods Home

  • nrk
    09-15 04:42 PM
    By seeing numbers, i am seeing a ray of hope with in one year i should hear some good news. Thanks for the R&D of all IV members

    Here are my Estimate of pending EB2 India case for give years

    <=2004 2000
    2005 10000
    2006 13000
    2007(july) 5000
    Total 30000

    This number is very close to Ron Gocthers number prediction a few months back (minus sept approvals).

    Collaboration on visa quota data/analysis - Page 6 - Immigration Information Discussion Forum (

    Pending as of 15 July 2009 145000
    EB2 50000
    EB3 94000
    EB2India (2.4/3.5 EB2) 35714

    We can use the LCA number and come close these numbers as well

    EB2 India LCA for 2005 = RIR (3000) + PERM (60% of 7290) ~ 7400
    Assuming 20% abandon applicant we get = 5900
    1.2 dependent per applicant give ~ 13000 I-485 applicantions
    Assuming 10% approved in 2008 and 10% rejected/abandon I-485 and 5% cross-charageability we get => pending 10000 pending I-485 application for 2005

    India PERM applications = 18000
    EB2 India PERM applications (60%) = 10800
    Assuming 20% abandon applicant we get = 8640
    1.2 dependent per applicant give ~ 19000 I-485 applicantions
    Assuming 10% approved in 2008 and 10% rejected/abandon I-485 and 10% cross-charageability we get => pending 13000 pending I-485 application for 2006

    So if we see spillover of more than 30K the date will move beyond July 2007.

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  • Update on Tiger Woods Home

  • GCOP
    09-23 12:38 PM
    I completely agree with DSLStart. We are paying Monthly Mortgages, property Tax and Insurance for Home. and contributing to Economy So Please include Current Homeowners also.
    Current homeowners who are waiting for their GC MUST also be exempted from cap. This clause has to be there. Without having any gurantee of getting GC these folks have invested their savings in buying home even when the prices were high, WHY because they had real intent of making US their permanent home. So these people should too be exempted from EB cap.

    08-17 11:01 AM
    The VIP culture and the sense of entitlement in India is sickening :mad: I would understand if George Fernandes had raised a fuss since he was travelling as a diplomat, but SRK is pure dung!! FFS, he is there only to promote his movie - like some one mentioned here, the world doesnt come to an end if he is delayed by an hour or if the movie flops or doesnt even see the light of day.

    SRK is a god in North India. This cannot be done to SRK. President Obama should have
    come to airport and intervened .

    03-17 10:33 AM
    hi All,

    Can someone give me advice on this:

    I have 4 yrs Bachelors + 6.5 yrs of IT exp. i am being offered a Pre- approved labor(EB3-PD-Nov.2003), which was filed for someone with a condition-Bachelors + 4 years exp., at the time of filing.
    i graduated in June 2000, so i am about 1 year short for the 2003 PD. However i did some part time work during college in India and the lawyer says if i can get exp. letter from that company on a letter head, that should suffice.
    i am concerned if that India exp. during graduation will work or not.
    Has anyone faced a situation like this?
    the (part time exp)company was very small, can this be risky? what do you guys think?

    I am not sure if you cannot used experience gained before / during college. I think it all depends on the LC requirements. I know many people who used experience gained before gaining their degrees, and there were no issues. However, I do not know if their LCs specified "post-degree experience, or just experience." I would speak to another lawyer to see if he tells you the same story as your current lawyer. You could send this question to Susan Henner. She is the attorney giving us free advise. The the home page for information on how to send her a question.


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