Sunday, July 17, 2011

quotes on global warming

quotes on global warming. and makes outrageous
  • and makes outrageous

  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 21, 02:04 PM
    Regardless, some people are still gonna complain of some unimportant missing feature.

    quotes on global warming. Top Ten Global Warming Facts
  • Top Ten Global Warming Facts

  • Raid
    May 4, 09:27 AM
    A Liberal still won in my old riding (Toronto Centre)
    See what happens when I leave? The whole country went cookoo. You mean my riding right? :p We did go kind of cuckoo after you left, but the shrine they placed in you old building is really quite a touching tribute to your legacy, though they need to tidy up more when the goat sacrifices are made. :)

    If they liberals had been in power the deficit would have been even larger. Conjecture at best, I'm not saying it would be smaller, I'm not saying it would be larger... but your bias is showing.

    Flaunts the law? What are you talking about? I believe he could be referring to the last Harper government being found in contempt of parliament when one of it's members lied to her peers and the Canadian people. ... just as one example...

    Is your memory short? Did you forget the sponsorship scandal in Quebec? Did you forget about Paul Martin passing laws that were beneficial to his shipping company? Did you forget that Paul Martin re-registered his ships on some island nation so that he did not have to hire Canadians? I haven't forgotten about those either, the sponsorship scandal was bad for the liberals, just as the Mulroney kick-backs were bad for the conservatives ... we could go on like this to confederation if you want. :rolleyes: Oh and the whole Paul Martin re-registering his ships wasn't to avoid employing Canadians, it was to avoid taxes. It was a bad political move, but no more or less than what other companies do to pass through the tax loopholes that both parties have either created or do nothing about.

    Some of us have to actually "work" for a living and pay high taxes already. You seem to imply that you feel others (maybe the posters here) don't "work" for a living and don't pay taxes based on the same rules. What are you really trying to say? Are you upset and think you pay too much? I'll tell you there isn't a single person who would refuse more money in their pocket, but some might if they knew it meant getting less services and protection from our government.

    In a real democracy, there are no winners. Debate results in compromise. Compromise leaves everyone disappointed but (usually) sanguine, because those other guys are also comparably disappointed. This is why a minority government is actually more like democracy in action than in other times, yet we seem to be run either by children who must have their way, or those that seemingly crave power to satisfy their own selves first.

    Our first-past-the post system has flaws for sure, but I think one reason why we really haven't had much of a debate on the issue here is two-fold. First, there's no magic answer to distribute house of commons seats based on the country's percentage of vote; second and most prevalent to the politicians is that a majority government would become even more of a rarity.

    quotes on global warming. Global Warming.gif
  • Global Warming.gif

  • MacDeeds
    Apr 19, 11:10 PM
    1.419$/Liter or 5.51$/US Gallon.

    The only place in North America where gas is ridiculously HIGH....QUEBEC. Taxes represent 30-35% of the cost of gas. *sigh* But at least our roads are smooth... Oh no wait, they are not.


    quotes on global warming. Global Warm 2010 Greetings
  • Global Warm 2010 Greetings

  • Bonte
    Mar 25, 10:36 AM
    Greedy or not, if Apple and RIM are part of some patent infringement they have to pay up.

    for this? "a method of previewing pictures" :confused:


    quotes on global warming. Global warming: the missing
  • Global warming: the missing

  • Flying Llama
    Jun 13, 02:04 PM
    Isn't that the IP of Quadra840? I already crippled him by shutting down his power once in a while. He was getting to close. And about those Stinkers, My normal production output is at 300, but with all these Stinkers I'm lucky if my average is 200 a day. We should all complain by Stanford, maybe we can do something about it and get a bit more gromacs.

    Isn't that everyone's IP? :o

    quotes on global warming. Global Warming Two-Step by
  • Global Warming Two-Step by

  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 26, 12:14 PM
    Well I'm in and I have my family pack. I have to say though, the organisation of this release was atrocious. There were no barriers and loads of people pushed in without the staff doing anything about them. Even when they opened the doors, one guy who turned up 10 minutes before launch managed to get to pretty much the front of the queue. Elbows were needed.


    quotes on global warming. Report: Global Warming Making
  • Report: Global Warming Making

  • jnguyen4
    Jan 17, 12:47 AM
    Doesn't really work.

    quotes on global warming. Koseff: Global Warming and
  • Koseff: Global Warming and

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 23, 01:07 PM
    I see no issues with that.


    quotes on global warming. quotes on global warming
  • quotes on global warming

  • ateslik
    Jun 19, 09:07 AM
    Does nobody realise that you have to support the exFAT format (from Microsoft, currently NOT supported on OS X, and has to be licensed by Microsoft) to be able to use more than 32 GB?

    8 Exbibytes (2^60)

    anyway, Kryder's Law applied to storage for the rest of the thread:

    64GB June 2010
    128GB June 2011
    256 GB June 2012
    512GB June 2013
    1TB June 2014
    2TB June 2015

    but given the growth surrounding this technology I'm expecting closer to mid-2013 until we see 2TB SDXC.

    quotes on global warming. crap about global warming.
  • crap about global warming.

  • mrgreen4242
    Dec 10, 11:24 AM
    I have a DS that I am interested in selling but I am not interested in that PC.
    Is there anything you are interested in trading for?


    quotes on global warming. such as global warming and
  • such as global warming and

  • twoodcc
    Apr 23, 04:12 PM
    just started folding again - made my self a new account and changed teams to mac rumors - at the moment im only at about 1/3 folding power about (1100 ppd) Sunday or Monday will be adding my new main mac to the team :)

    Thanks for joining! We need all the help we can get

    quotes on global warming. Global Warming amp; Global
  • Global Warming amp; Global

  • Zephi
    Mar 21, 09:21 AM
    Time to drag bicycle out of the garage, eh?

    You know, the most ridiculous thing is when the Libya quarrel and everything ends I'm pretty certain the prices won't go down as much as they've gone up. We've seen this before.


    quotes on global warming. global warming debate,
  • global warming debate,

  • Deputy-Dawg
    Sep 25, 10:55 PM
    Kimberly Clark fought, and lost, the same battle over 'kleenex' becoming a generic noun for facial tissue. Bayer lost it over 'asprin' as the name for sodium acetosalcylate. And there are numerous other examples. All were lost because the owners of the trade name did not vigorously defend their trade name. Apple is doing what it must. Will they suceed? If history is any clue probably not

    quotes on global warming. quotes on global warming
  • quotes on global warming

  • JAT
    Apr 13, 02:18 PM
    If you have nothing setup it will use DHCP to get your DNS from whatever device is providing you your IP address. For most people this would be a DSL or cable modem which is passing the DNS servers from their ISP.

    So not setting it up is not an issue, unless your ISPs DNS servers suck.
    Frequently, I find the modem also has nothing set. Changing to any known DNS server speeds things up. You probably already did this years ago, you are a geek, no?
    But how do you know if it sucks? How do you know if Google's DNS servers are actually an improvment for you? You can't know until you test. There are several DNS test utilities you can download that will measure this for you and tell you. I highly suggest people not assume that using Google's DNS servers is always best. For some people it will actually perform worse. Test to know for sure.
    I agree, I never said anything about Google DNS or to not include some thought in the process. What I said is most people have a mess that should be addressed. Whenever I see, "internet is slow", I think, "check your DNS".


    quotes on global warming. quotes* quot;#39;Global warming
  • quotes* quot;#39;Global warming

  • Liquorpuki
    Apr 8, 07:19 PM
    The argument is using Tax Dollars to pay for the abortions as it is forbidden by Federal Law for Planned Parenthood to use the funding in that way...of course they have found ways around it, which is the cause for concern..Me personally, I am on the fence on the entire issue as I am not a woman. That stated, I don't believe abortions should be used as a birth control device either....

    Using that logic, military funding is supposed to pay for troops and operations but I'm sure they've found ways around it. Business subsidies are supposed to catalyze business but I'm sure it's being abused as well. So just like Rep Jim Jordan, I'm not going bother providing any evidence of corruption - I'll just throw out a platitude like "money is fungible," argue we should cut off funding, and act like people who don't agree with me are idiots.

    Meanwhile, there's no actual proof that Planned Parenthood is funding abortions with taxdollars. But I guess that's not important.

    And in the bigger picture, all this abortion debate being pushed by the Republicans ignores the fact that the topic of abortion is a totally marginal to what Planned Parenthood does. I'm a guy and I used Planned Parenthood in my early 20's for STD testing. My girlfriend used Planned Parenthood for pap smears and once, after she went in with a UTI, they were able to diagnose she had HPV and give her a treatment plan.

    I really can't understand why most of the GOP doesn't see value in a social service that provides education, counseling, diagnosis and treatment when this is all blatantly obvious to anyone who's ever walked into a Planned Parenthood waiting room. Maybe they don't get laid enough to care.

    On that note, I respect Scott Brown a lot more now.

    quotes on global warming. The Live Earth Global Warming
  • The Live Earth Global Warming

  • dongmin
    Sep 1, 01:16 AM (

    According to reports, Apple has already provided an update to their Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Preview that was distributed to developers at WWDC 2006. The update provides few details on the improvements provided:

    The 46.4MB release is simply entitled "Leopard Developer Preview Update 1.0" and updates Build 9A241 to Build 9A241e.

    Apple demonstrated ( Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard at WWDC, revealing some of the features that are expected. Mac OS X 10.5 is not expected to be released until Spring of 2007.Any word on the Super Secret Leopard Features???


    quotes on global warming. (Note: LNG in the quotes is
  • (Note: LNG in the quotes is

  • inkhead
    Sep 1, 06:05 PM
    The finder is being rewritten. This was posted and discussed several places (i think on thinksecret offsite forums. I haven't installed leopard, and I can't comment on it anyway because of NDA, but from stuff on the web, the finder has been rewritten from scratch and it appears that brushed metal is just temporary.

    I agree Finder is slower than a snail. Many Mac fans live in denial about the s-l--o--w f----i-----n-------d--------e----r but it is a joke compared to XP. I love OS X and it would be easy to impress others with it's elegance if it weren't for the S-L--O---W F----I-----N------D-------E--------R.

    Great! The pop-up menu on my documents folder in the dock just opened. Bye Bye.

    quotes on global warming. Effects of Global Warming
  • Effects of Global Warming

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 6, 07:31 AM
    With all the advancements in Apple hardware ready to appear in the next couple years, I'd be hard pressed to buy any new hardware until the next rung of technology is incorporated in their products.

    quotes on global warming. Anti Global Warming Facts
  • Anti Global Warming Facts

  • Peace
    Mar 26, 05:11 PM
    It's one of those containers holding the bill. It's too black to be an iPad.

    Gizmodo says the tipster said it was a menu.

    Nov 20, 07:02 AM
    Steve Wozniak bought White iPhone kit, interview on Dutch website:

    Jan 22, 10:19 AM

    �229 is a fair chunk of change for a start, and certainly a long way off the current pricing of the DSi. I for one would certainly wait for some deep price cuts, but knowing Nintendo that's unlikely to happen any time this year. I can't see parents being willing to drop that much coin as well - I reckon DSi sales will continue to be strong.

    Second, it looks old. The design hasn't changed since the DS, bar a few tweaks, yet other hardware looks sleek and slim in comparison - even the PSPgo! Nintendo have to realise they're competing with Apple as well, and Apple know how to make things small and look good too. It looks fat, pocket-unfriendly and not modern.

    Personally, 3D is rubbish - but that's due to my own eyesight. Hearing multiple reports that it only works from one very narrow angle? Not so good - but I'll reserve judgement until the public gets hands on them.

    Finally, the battery life. Oh my days. Are we regressing here? 3.5 - 5 hours? Is that it? My iPad far outdoes that...

    Things I'd make better:
    1) Modern casing, not a boring box
    2) Battery life
    3) Cost
    4) Region lock
    5) Capacitive touch and ditch the stylus

    Sep 15, 12:04 AM
    So I am having my first surgical procedures in *looks at widget* 16 days, and the thing that scares me the most is the general anesthesia...

    In actuality, general anesthesia may be more important than the skills of the surgeon. My most vivid memory of the anesthesia given for my hernia repair years ago was when the doctor told me to count backwards from 100.

    I got down into the upper 40's and wondered if that was normal. Then I heard the doctor say, "This patient is considerably more resistant than most others ... let's increase the flow." I immediately had misgivings about agreeing to the surgery at that point.

    I must have drifted off seconds later because the next thing I remembered was awakening in the recovery room. The procedure went smoothly and I've never had any problems since. I would not fret much over it. Best wishes on everything.

    Apr 2, 02:32 PM
    If you have been using a computer for the last 20 years, there is no question that Word currently is the way to go, it seems to be perfected.

    The future for Pages is much brighter then for Word, bit of a learning curve, but looking forward to Pages 2 (and Apple getting another $79)

    I have to agree with most here that Pages didn't live up to my expectations. However, I can't agree with you that Word has been perfected. Word is complete nightmare in certain situations. Its non-intuitive and not very user friendly in many cases (especially the windows version!). I do prefer it to Pages, but its by no means the best that can be done.

    Keynote on the other hand is fantastic, and considerably easier to use and prettier than Powerpoint.

    Sep 15, 01:41 PM
    Originally posted by KC

    Heh. Someone else had that problem. You have to be one of us, muhahahahaha!

    I'm being made into one of you by this. I had to fashion that post manually without all the automatic code. I'm doing it for this message to. I'm learning by doing hahahahahahahhaha. :p :p

    Going CrAzy :p :rolleyes: :D

    Is there a tutorial or something that explains all the formatting so I can do everything manually without trial and error?

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