Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • tradahoo
    05-02 11:50 AM
    If we have a large number of people from the Southeast region, may be we can demonstrate in the front of the Atlanta PERM office. I think this may be crucial especially during this election time.

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  • jamesingham
    05-16 11:50 AM
    Do you need to be married at the time of applying I-140 to get GC in the same application ?

    My question is when is the latest that one can get married so as to get his/her spouse a GC on the same application.

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  • sbabunle
    01-18 10:31 AM
    A very sensible message from sw33T.

    I have to agree with him about the look and feel of our website.
    We have to give a facelift for our website. I'm pretty sure we'll have
    lot of web experts among us. ( Unfortunately I'm not one. ).


    Hello IV:

    Time and again I see most members skeptical on efforts such as those organized by IV. I happened to surf upon the NumbersUSA website and the general outlay of the website clearly establishes their objectives and motto. Although IV is fighting for a niche stage in the legal immigration process, a stage which almost all non-immigrants have to pass through, it is my perspective that this is never clearly communicated. The NumbersUSA website is visually more informative.

    "Why don't you do it for us?" may be one of the questions resulting from this post. I simply don't have the time which is why I am hoping that my recurring contribution of $50/month can be used for such a purpose.

    Also, a blogspot for the CORE team members and their efforts would nicely keep us busy non-immigrant professionals encouraged on daily or weekly efforts by IV. I honestly swing by everyday to see what IV is upto by frantically looking for a relative subject in the posts of the forum. Alas, only to be deceived by requests for contribution which I am humbly not discouraging, but it is heartburning to swing by IV and then look over the House Clerk's website to see what was in session for the day and what we might potentially be upto, leaving the battle plan of IV to my creative and tired mind.

    "Why contribute if you don't have faith in us?" you may ask. Simple! I feel proud to be an immigrant and fighting for our rights. Not a day passes by when my mind plays tricks on me to sell my 62" Plasma TV, my comfy leather sofa, my Playstation 2 and the two part-time business ventures I formed which will potentially employ 20 americans and give business to marketing, promotions and other agencies to help the venture succeed, to return back to India.

    I am still searching for the right answer...

    Hopefully, my small contribution to IV to aid their massive efforts will help me come closer to the truth and ultimately my decision.

    Do please stay united in your efforts, for the day will never end for non-immigrants alike in their endeavour to succeed and live life hoping that every day they can make a difference in people's lives not knowing that there is no difference in their own because they are caught in a web of misinformed albeit ignorant citizens and this mythical Green(C) monster.

    For all those non-believers, kudos to you for you seem to have mastered the fine art of ignorance without guilt and self-deception.

    Here is my signature -

    $25 + $50/month so far. Millions in the future if I succeed through my mighty keyboard. :)

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  • zigma
    04-10 05:28 AM
    Your wife may file for H4 without a lawyer. It costs $250 and I did it once. No issues at all, very simple and straight forward form / procedure.

    Although not necessary to file H4 transfer )as this is not linked to employer directly but rather the H1 holder), it may become important when you leave US for visit home.


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  • srikondoji
    09-19 12:06 PM
    I and manish flew monday morning sept 17th on a short notice to attend 11:30AM appointment and then again at 3:30 PM with nagaraj.
    We had 2 more appointments on 18th with NH senators.
    All the meetings were great and one them exceeded 30 minute schedule to 50 minutes.

    It was great to meet all the members like aman, jay, paskal, kanika, meenal, nagaraj, pappu, gopal etc.

    Paskal: Where is my beer?
    Gopal: "Don't shoot the messenger" in the situation room.
    jay: Speech pointing fingure to capitol hill behind him. "We are here on offence".
    Mike: Step1 to step 5 entertainment

    These are some, but not all, of the memorable things in DC.

    I really had to mention pappu seperately.
    He is a dedicated person to this cause and needs special mention. I really enjoyed his company in the bus on our return journey to NH. We shooted all possible questions and got convincing answers.

    Thanks again for the wonderful experience.
    It was a true vacation.:eek::eek:

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  • purplehazea
    06-08 01:57 PM
    I think the current state of disagreement is good because at least everything is out in the open and up for fighting. If this bill had to be scuttled it could have been done very quietly. But there are enough people out there who will make sure that there is no easy death for this bill. It is a fight and a lot of egos will need to appeased in the process.

    How much will we gain out of it in the end as skilled legal immigrants may not be necessarily in our control during this whole process as illegal voices are more stronger and we are really considered compromisable. It will be up to our well wisher politicians and vested business interests to push something in our favor.


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  • girijas
    04-16 06:54 PM
    What a contrast! You guys on the west coast are running in 100 degrees. My schedule forces me to run at 5.00 3 layers of clothing @ 40 degrees.

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  • amitjoey
    01-31 12:57 PM
    current membership is 8477. Thats awesome. New members, please use the invite your friends feature to invite more of your friends in similar situation.

    We are 8699 members, as of today. Congrajulations. Marching towards 10,000


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  • nyte_crawler
    09-25 01:43 PM
    I appreciate you for keeping this civilized as well. We all know that all the talk about recapture and immigration reform has not taken us anywhere.We wont be here arguing about this issue, if we dont have any inherent bias towards our well-being. (I dont even have to be explicit about that) I dont want to discuss being fair and look for any sympathy towards EB3I. All I want to know who is adversely affected. Just by looking at the bulletin, it gives us a clear picture. If USCIS would have interpreted all along this way and never changed it, I would not be even discussing here because its mute. I am not a proponent of changing the way it was before so that it backlogs EB2 as well. I just want to put this effort up there so that we can come into some consensus of rationalizing the spill over to get benefit to all backlogged groups rather than pouring in to one group. How would this affect long term ? I dont know. But I know for sure, there will be some relief to some people for the time being and over the long term it could help more. See the difference between our argument is, I just want some from you, but you want it all. I am in this game for about 9 years with 8 EADs. By not having a GC never restricted me from doing what ever I wanted. But I think its about time, some one has to do something about it. I think this is the right opportunity for some people. If I look from your side, its taking something from you. But all I am looking is the right way to get USCIS intrepret and get some relief in the process.

    Thank you for your arguments and I dont think we can come to consensus on our beliefs. I will drive this issue from my end and see what I can do about it.

    I always believed in Bucky's motto: "an experiment, to find what a single individual could contribute to changing the world and benefiting all humanity"

    nyte_crawler I gave u green because I really appreciate you keeping the argument civilized even though we both differ in our ideas. Now just to take things a little further. You have pointed me that I am arguing to keep spill over as it is (in favour of EB2) because that will help me. I would argue the same that when you say immediate help for EB3 I feel that is because that will help your case. Tell me how does it help Eb3 with PD 2004 and further. Rather it would be in their interest to cross port to EB2 since they directly become current rather than wait for spill over to reach their PD which is good 3-4 years away. So my argument is there are three interest groups here

    1) EB2
    2) Eb3 prior to 2004
    3) Eb3 2004 onwards.

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  • tamil12
    07-14 03:49 PM
    Comments like this is only going to embolden the anti and support their false arugments.

    Now you have two options.... help out antis by putting comments like this
    help yourself by helping IV in terms of money, time and efforts.

    Sure ,, I am totally fed up I am in this country from 2000.
    " far.I haven't contributed....I am ready to contribute...if IV is going to show some interest on EB3.


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  • Totoro
    03-20 10:43 PM
    Many of us have gone through the Canadian immigration process and received permanent residence there "as a backup". It's a monumental waste of time and resources.

    The several thousand dollars worth of additional (and mostly unnecessary) expense could be better spent here in the States. Something that can perhaps also be highlighted in your presentations.


    It could be a waste of time if your plan is to be in the US. Everyone I know who went through the process in Canada planned to stay in Canada. I was just pointing out how easy it is there compared to here and the fact that they don't discriminate against people because of their racial or ethnic background.

    Canada could be a good model for the US. Therefore, I thought about comparing the processes during the meeting.

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  • m306m
    01-15 11:01 AM
    I have renewed my passport and my wife's a couple of times in through Houston (That tell you how long I have been in the US without a GC). It typically takes them 3-4 weeks (Rush service is also offered). You can opt to pick up the passport in person as well. If you have been waiting very long for your new passport, call them up and speak with them. I have noticed that it help greatly if you speak with them in Hindi instead of English. Goodluck.


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  • Ahimsa
    07-19 10:20 AM
    What do we say when people correlate illegal and legal immigrations as closely connected?

    There was a hearing yesterday in the house "Should We Embrace the Senate's Grant of Amnesty to Millions of Illegal Aliens and Repeat the Mistakes of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?"

    Look what Mr. Steven A. Camarota (Center for Immigration Studies) quotes in his testimony (shown in italics): (

    ...many observers have pointed out that when you reward law breaking, you make legal immigrants who have played by the rules, and in some cases have waited many years to come to our country, look like fools for taking America�s law seriously.

    True. But see what he says then...

    ...Amnesties and Increased Legal Immigration Don�t Solve Problem. �Amnesty spurs more illegal immigration, as does increases in legal immigration. A 1997 report from the INS found that there was a surge of new illegal immigration when the 1986 amnesty went into effect. The increase seems to have been the result of family members joining their newly legalized relatives�
    One of the most controversial provisions in S2611 is the very large increase in legal immigration it creates. The larger the pool of immigrants (legal or illegal) in the United States, the greater is the pull for more illegal immigration. Illegal aliens often live with legal immigrants and it is legal immigrants who often provide information about jobs and housing to their relatives and friends back home. Legal immigration has been increasing for more than three decades, and illegal immigration has been increasing right along with it. The top sending countries for legal immigration are by and large the top sending countries for illegal immigration. A survey funded by the National Institute of Health found that one-third of new legal immigrants were former illegal aliens. Legal and illegal immigration are closely linked. The past shows that if you increase one you increase the other. The Senate bill repeats the mistake of thinking amnesty plus increases in legal immigration will solve the problem. It did not in the past and there is no reason to think it will this time around. Instead, S2611 will almost certainly stimulate more illegal mmigration...

    Obviously Mr. Camarota was generalizing the legal immigration and was not talking about employer sponsored immigration.

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  • satyasrd
    01-10 01:15 PM
    I am surprised that this is not getting as much attention as it should.

    IV Team, is there anything we should do to work towards this ?



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  • virangar
    05-07 01:25 PM
    I applied for passport renewal in Houton,TX and got in 2-3 weeks.

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  • kalyan
    06-14 10:23 AM

    I agree there is lot of injustice to applicants stuck in pre perm system. But with elimination of LC substitution and a timeline of 45 days between LC and 140,

    tons of pre perm applications after approved will go nuts becoz the candidates have already left the employers .

    I am sure that dates will remain current in August also. I believe INS will give EAD and will let all wait for GC therefore needs to go to Parole. Once you are in AP, that means, you all are golden eggs laying ducks to INS everyyear.

    One +ve plus for is , DESI companies are gone and we can change jobs but its premium price for lot of guys for years to pay .

    Good. My LC is not even started. I am holding my breathe and congratulations to all my brothers and sisters who can file 485.

    Good Luck


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  • delhirocks
    06-29 01:27 PM
    I wasn't born in a Hospital so they won't have a record.

    I just spoke to someone at and they informed me that Delhi doesn't issue Non-availability of birth record certificate.

    Any other options?

    Please check with your lawyer, According to my lawyer, a new BC with 07/2007 registeration date, accompanied by 2 affidavits from your parents/Uncles/Aunts should suffice.

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  • sravani
    05-16 01:04 PM
    Not sure how this two application thing work, but doesn't this kind of situation trigger unncessary confusion with finger printing etc.?

    As far as I know, when USCIS collect the Finger Prints everything will be in the same database and the name check, back ground check etc. starts from there. If you apply two applications then you will get notifications twice? Unnecessary risks and confusions, if I were you..I wouldn't do this.

    USCIS is so unpredictable, what if they do back ground check twice and create some weird confusion or one of you get stuck unnecessarily? This is a very confusing scenario. Talk to your attorney.

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  • godspeed
    04-12 01:54 PM
    You were looking at a older instruction? the link you have posted is the same as what
    gcformeornot posted. please clarify, the instruction states its validity so we have to use that accordingly.

    It is not advised to double file, perhaps you'll get this back sooner than expected and then send it to the lockbox, dunno why they are complicating things as it is there are enough complications :-(
    I was looking at a different file:

    any idea how i can resolve this?! :(

    12-20 04:34 PM
    Is it possible to identify the members who have not contributed at all so far, and send them emails requesting them to contribute, atleast $20?

    01-12 11:26 AM
    I personally do NOT think that giving DV numbers to EB will make any difference to EB3, because once EB2 is cleared up there wil be more EB2 people out there to consume visas and there will be no spillover.

    Having said that if this bill goes through then it will most certainly give GC to EB2 people even those who have a priority date of 2011 and also to people in India who are planning to come to USA in thee next few years or so and who know enough of US immigration to know that they have to file for GC in EB2 category

    I will not even raise the point about providing a part of the 50 k visas specifically to EB3I because lets face it EB2 are the elite and deserve to have priority in visa allocation.

    Facts: As of 2007 there are 54,850 application pending in EB3 india category and as of 2007 there are 13,150 application pending in EB2 india category

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